September 14,
2018 2158 2158
SA Sports Medicine Association held a Recovery Masterclass on Wednesday the 12th of September at the South Australian Sport Institute (SASI).
August 22,
2018 1750 1750
The third and final SASMA Members Education Series of 2018 was held on Tuesday the 21st of August at Prince Alfred College with a hot topic of ‘Imaging and Pain’. The evening was presented by Tim Cocks (Chronic Pain Physiotherapist, NOIGroup) and Dr. Sunil Gupta (MSK Radiologist, Benson Radiology).
August 15,
2018 1791 1791
SASMA held a Foot Osteoarthritis Masterclass on Monday the 13th of August at the University of South Australia’s City East Campus.
August 8,
2018 2172 2172
Sports Safety and Risk Management in relation to Sports Injuries and Illness Project
August 8,
2018 1713 1713
The Member Education Sessions are well underway this year with over 60 attendees at each one! SASMA is dedicated to providing further education opportunities for our members.
August 8,
2018 1858 1858
SA Sports Medicine Association with Safeguard Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd offer an Insurance policy prepared especially for the working Sports Trainer.
August 8,
2018 1661 1661
In 2018 SASMA ran a Sports Trainers Education Series on Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Shoulder, Hamstring and Ankle. For the first time these were webcast live. It was great to have over 50 people attend at each one!
August 8,
2018 1726 1726
The SA Sports Medicine Association has been busy running many Concussion Management Workshops and Forums across SA this year with more planned for the next 12 months.
August 8,
2018 1672 1672
The 2018 SASMA Conference, "Exercise & Medicine", was held on Sunday 17th June at the Adelaide Oval. It was a great success with over 100 attending!