
Sports Trainer of the Year Awards

Sports Trainer of the Year Awards


Sports Trainer of the Year

This Award is open to Accredited Sports Trainers living in South Australia who have shown exceptional service to their club/sport/association/organisation from 1st January 2024– 31st December 2024

Awards Criteria

    • Actions go beyond expectations; they provide exceptional service to their club/sport/association/organisation by acting on needs beyond job responsibilities, including assisting other teams and other sports.
    • Identifies problems and implements solutions and is a proactive role model for others.
    • Influences people, not just at their own club/association but beyond their own team and group of trainers.
    • Involved in areas outside of normal sports trainer’s work including but not limited to mentoring other trainers, assisting with club/association policy development and member of a Club or Sports Trainers Association Committee.
    • Displays initiative and persistence in working to overcome issues or barriers for sports trainers.


    • Regularly demonstrates the above qualities
    • Last 12 months refers to 1st January 2024 – 31st December 2024.
    • Nominee must have a current Sports Trainers Accreditation with SA Sports Medicine Association

Nomination Procedure

    • Any sporting club or individual can submit a maximum of two nominations per year. Each nomination must be submitted on a separate form. Incomplete forms may be considered ineligible for assessment. 
    • When filling in the nomination form please provide short statements and where possible provide examples. 
    • To strengthen the nomination, you may provide a maximum of two letters of recommendation per nomination. It would be highly recommended that one of the letters comes from the Nominee’s club or association or from a SASMA Professional Member and should offer further specific evidence of the individual’s qualities that have led to their nomination. Please keep these to one-page maximum. 


Once an application has been received a confirmation email will be sent out. A screening committee will be made up of two SASMA Staff/Professional Members and an independent. Recommendations will be made for each Award and presented for further consideration to the SASMA Executive, who will make the final decision.

Winners will be announced at the 2025 Sports Medicine Conference.