2018 Members Education Sessions
August 8,
2018 1744 1744
The 2018 Members Education Series have been well underway this year with over 70 attendees at the first two! Throughout the Series, each session has covered several case studies.
The First Education Session, The Sporting Elbow, we discussed the latest in medial elbow injuries including imaging, dislocations, reconstructions and conservative rehab techniques. This session was presented by Ben Onofrio (APA Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist), Dr Robert Buckley (Sports Doctor, GP) and Dr Nicholas Chabrel (Upper Limb Orthopaedic Surgeon)
In the Short Cuts and Quick Fixes session, presented by Dr Andrew Potter (Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician), Angela Powell (Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, School of Psychology, Social Work & Social Policy at UniSA) and Brie Salagaras (Sports Dietitian, Adelaide Football Club) we had a Panel Discussion following the presentations that were based around 2 Case Studies with discussions focusing on trends and ethical decisions presented as part of each case as well as management of the athlete.
The last one is coming up on August 21 on the topic, Imaging and Pain. This session will focus on 3 Clinical Cases where a patient presenting has a complex pain presentation and multiple findings on imagining. The three regions include: lower back pain, knee pain and forefoot pain. Each case will review the relevant MSK radiological findings presented, additional normative data to the key findings of the report, followed by discussion on the key ways / wording in these findings to the patient to best de-threaten what has been diagnosed. The session will also discuss how do we know which is the main factor causing pain or is it something we are not seeing on imaging (i.e. the mechanical movement / load on the tissue). The Imaging and Pain Members Education Session will be presented by Tim Cocks (Chronic Pain Physiotherapist, NOIGroup) and Dr. Sunil Gupta (MSK Radiologist)
SASMA work very hard to develop these education session for our Member’s. The session coming up in August will also be available online via a Live Webcast. So if you are unable to attend but still want to participate you will be able to view the presentations live online and still have the ability to ask the speakers questions.
For further information and to register for the Imaging and Pain session click here
We look forward to seeing you there.