January 19,
2016 15375 15375
Did you know that SASMA can arrange Nationally Accredited Sports Trainers for your next sporting event?
January 12,
2016 2708 2708
We are straight back into the swing of things in 2016 with our first course of the year completed over the weekend.
December 17,
2015 2876 2876
The SASMA Office will be closed over the Christmas and New Years period.
December 16,
2015 2878 2878
The December 2015 Edition of 'The Trainer' is now available.
August 27,
2015 2949 2949
The 2015 SMA-SA Education Program continues with Master Classes for Physios, Podiatrists and GP's to be held over the coming months.
August 18,
2015 3070 3070
The final session of the 2015 SMA-SA Members Education Series will be held on Tuesday 25th August. This topic for the evening is Management of Complex Proximal Thigh Injuries.
August 13,
2015 2898 2898
SMA-SA are pleased to announce the delivery of a new Sports Trainer focused newsletter.
August 13,
2015 2889 2889
There has been some staff movement of late at SMA-SA with people coming and going.
July 15,
2015 2987 2987
The 2015 SMA-SA State Conference will be available online via a live webcast allowing regional, interstate and overseas delegates to be able to participate in the day.
July 13,
2015 3022 3022
SMA-SA is pleased to announce that Dr David Martin who was with the AIS has taken up the Head Sports Science position with the Philadelphia 76ers.