Upcoming Master Class Sessions
August 27,
2015 2998 2998
The SMA-SA Education Program has seen record numbers attend the 2015 SMA-SA Members Education Series. However, the 2015 SMA-SA Education Program is not over with upcoming Master Classes for Physios, Podiatrists and GP's to be held over the coming months.
The next Physio Master Class is on End Stage Lower Limb Rehab to be held on Wednesday 16th September at the Adelaide Football Club. Mark Nagel and Duncan Kellaway, both Physiotherapists working with the Adelaide Crows, will present this hands on session looking at the end stages of rehab of lower limb injuries with a specific focus on integratoin from rehab to a more strength and conditioning focus for maintenance.
Podiatrists will not miss out on attending a session at one of our AFL football clubs with a session scheduled at the Port Power Headquarters with Ian McKeown, Head of Athletic Development. Ian will run a hands on workshop looking at Injury Prevention from a Podiatry point of view.
For the first time in 2015, SMA-SA is running a Master Class aimed at GP's, Sports Doctors and Exercise and Sports Medicine Physicians. Dr Richard Hillock, Cardiologist, will be running a session on Cardiology: The Athletic Heart.
These sessions are open to both members and non members.
For further information and to register
click here.
Places are limited due to the practical nature of the workshops with places being assigned on a first in best dressed basis.