Final Installment of the 2016 Members Education Series
July 8,
2016 2657 2657
The 2016 SASMA Members Education series continues on Tuesday July 26th. The topic for the evening is Shoulder Injuries including labral tears and instability. The session will be presented by Dr Nick Chabrel (Orthopaedic Surgeon), Dr Elizabeth Clisby (Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician) and Ian Scarborough (Sports Physiotherapist).
The presenters will cover several case studies from initial diagnosis and management through to surgery interventions and rehabilitation of these injuries.
The 2016 education series has been very popular, with over 70 people in attendance to each of the first two sessions.
This session will once again be available online via a Live Webcast. So if you are unable to attend but still want to participate you will be able to view the presentations live online and still have the ability to ask the speakers questions.
The session is free of charge to SASMA members. Non-members are able to attend for a fee.
For further information and to register for this session click here
We look forward to seeing you there.