2016 SASMA Members Conference
May 26,
2016 2904 2904
The 2016 SASMA Conference, “The Active Adolescent: Building for the Future”, was a huge success with a record number attending the annual conference held at the Adelaide Oval on Sunday 22nd May. On top of those who attended, we had an additional number of people from across regional SA, interstate and overseas join us online via a live webcast taking the total number to 125 delegates.
The day began with Adjunct Professor Peter Fricker OAM presenting the Henry Kneebone Keynote Lecture. His knowledge and experience gained from working at the Australian Institute of Sport and a number of Olympic Games provided the basis of a great lecture that set the tone and the theme for the day.
The quality of presentations and the presenters themselves highlighted the importance of working together in the best interest of the Adolescent Athlete. They are not little adults and as a result we need to manage our adolescent athletes accordingly.
Our conference convenors put together a program filled with world renowned presenters and researchers. We would like to send a special thank you to each of our presenters:
· Adjunct Prof Peter Fricker OAM
· Dr Andrew Dwyer
· Dr David Spurrier
· Keren Faulkner
· Dr Tim Gabbett
· Anthony Meade
· Wendy Piltz
· Jan Stirling AM
· Ben Haines
· Dr Duncan Walker
· Dr Matthew Hutchinson
· Kristian De Pasquale
There were many highlights for the day and each delegate would no doubt have had their own. For us at SASMA one major highlight was hearing from our former Executive Officer, Jan Stirling. Jan’s passion for coaching and for sports medicine was highlighted throughout her presentation.
Conferences cannot go ahead without the support of Sponsors and Trades. SASMA would like to thank all of our sponsors and trades for the day including:
· Dr Jones and Partners Radiology (Major Sponsor)
· Safeguard Insurance Brokers (Keynote Speaker Sponsor)
· Return to Work SA (Webcast Sponsor)
· DJO Global
Finally thankyou to everyone who attended, we hope you all enjoyed the day. SASMA’s focus will always be its members and your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. We look forward to continuing to work with you to provide a high quality program of education for you.