2015 Level 1 Sports Trainers Course Dates Launched
October 23,
2014 2836 2836
After much consultation with sports trainers, sporting clubs and associations across South Australia SMA-SA is pleased to announce the dates for the 2015 Level 1 Sports Trainers Courses are now available.
There will be courses held across South Australia including in venues we have not visited for a number of years or at all including Kingscote, Port Augusta, Thevenard (near Ceduna) and Rudall (15km from Cleve). SMA-SA is proud of the fact we are able to run courses throughout the state and not just in the metropolitan area or larger regional centres.
To see where our courses are being held
click here.
We are more than happy to run courses in other areas of the state. If you would like a course run in your area please contact the SMA-SA Office on 8234 6369 or by