SMA-SA Launches Online Training
October 20,
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Over the last year Sports Medicine Australia - SA Branch (SMA-SA) has been working closely with Human Kinetics to develop an online component of the Level 1 Sports Trainers Course. Feedback and evaluations of the courses highlighted that there are people with a wide range of knowledge attending our Level 1 Sports Trainers Courses. Some find it hard to keep up with the theory over a 2 day course, whilst others come with prior knowledge and find the theory quite basic. From this it was determined that a means to allow people to cover the theory at their own pace was important.
With the help of Wendy Simpson and her team at Human Kinetics we were able to develop an online course that covers a lot of the theory covered during a Level 1.
On Sunday 12th October SMA-SA ran its first Level 1 Sports Trainers Course which included an online theory component. Overall the course was a success and the feedback we received from the course participants was very positive. With everyone having covered the online theory prior to attending the face to face day was based around scenarios and applying that theory knowledge to practical scenarios as well as spending time on the practical skills required.
A big thank you to Sue Pascoe (Nurse & L2 Sports Trainer), Tim Kreis (Physio) and Kylie Burton (L2 Sports Trainer) for their assistance during the day and helping us with reviewing many of our presentations.
We are looking forward to rolling out more of these courses in 2015.
To check out the dates for the 2015 Level 1 Sports Trainers Courses
click here.
If you would like to know more information about any of our courses please contact the SMA-SA Office on 08 8234 6369 or at