SMA-SA Regional Roadshows
September 30,
2014 2911 2911
SMA-SA values the hard work that our Professional and Sports Trainer Members do for their communities. We realise that for many it is a long way to come to Adelaide for ongoing professional development and as a result we are taking our conference days to the regions.
November 2014 will be a big month for SMA-SA as we run 5 conferences in the space of 3 weekends. Four of these will be in regional locations. In both Mount Gamber and Port Lincoln we will be holding two conferences - a Professional Conference Day and a Sports Trainers Conference Day.
In each location on the Saturday we will be holding a conference day for Medical and Allied Health Professionals in the region. We will be utilising SMA members from both Adelaide and the local regions to present on the theme of Dealing with Difficult Issues/Injuries.
On the Sundays we will be utilising many of the same presenters for our Sports Trainers Conference Day. This will give many of the local sports trainers and volunteers in the region access to some of the best sports medicine professionals in the state to learn from and to ask questions of.
The conference dates are:
Mount Gambier Professional Conference Saturday 1st November Sports Trainers Conference Sunday 2nd November Port Lincoln Professional Conference Saturday 15th November Sports Trainers Conference Sunday 16th November For more information on conferences click on the links above. We thank all of our members for giving up their time to assist us with providing these great opportunities for our regional members.
We look forward to seeing you there.
If you would like education / professional development sessions run in your region please contact the SMA-SA Office on 8234 6369 or via email at