SMA-SA Members Riding for Charity
July 1,
2014 2661 2661
SMA-SA Member, Richard Egan, will be riding with the Redliners Classics Bicycle Club over 411 kms in 3 days in October to raise money for the Crows Foundation.
The Crows Foundation is the charity arm of the Adelaide Football Club. Their key charter is to distribute $100,000 per year to support children in need across South Australia. Since its inception in 2005 we have distributed over $900,000 to many worthy children's charities, with this year seeing our $1,000,000 donated.
The Foundation has provided grant funding to dozens of children’s charities including Camp Quality, Leukaemia Foundation, Little Heroes Foundation, Smith Family and Heartkids, to name a few. Proceeds from this year’s Redline Classic will contribute to these partnerships.
A few of our members are involved in either riding or as support to the riders during the race.
To support Richard and our other members for such a great cause go to: