New Concussion Findings and SASMA Concussion Program
June 23,
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International Concussion report released - The Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport can be viewed here. Much of the new information from this report will help guide SASMA’s Concussion Education Program.
We have commenced our work on the important Community Concussion three-year Program through funding received from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing.
SASMA recently met with the Grant Partners (see below) to discuss initial priorities for the project.
We also held our first Concussion Steering Committee meeting following a members EOI process supported by our members and Grant partners. We are pleased to announce the following members which may be added to:
- Julie Knights - Sports Physiotherapist
- Dr Michael Reid - GP/Sports Doctor
- Michael Henry - Physiotherapist, PhD candidate - UniSA
- Sally Vuu - Senior Physiotherapist, PhD candidate - Flinders Uni
- Dr Janet Young - SASMA Council members
- Dr Brett Slarks - Education Working Party Member
- Dr Marc Cesana - Sports Doctor
- Dr Karthik Badrinath - Sports Physician
- Sean Toohey - SANFL
- John Wreghitt - Gridiron SA
- Danielle Grant-Cross - SASMA
- Jack Colmer- SASMA
Grant Partners include:
- Baseball SA
- Gridiron SA
- Hockey SA
- Netball SA
- Rugby Union SA
- Nothern Sport and Recreation Network (7 Councils)
- Adelaide Plains Council
- City of Charles Sturt
- City of Playford
- City of Prospect
- City of Port Adelaide Enfield
- City of Salisbury
- City of Tea Treet Gully
Recently SASMA provided an article on Concussion in sport for the AMA SA branch and also spoke at a recent PHN Sports Injury Event at Mawson Lakes – thanks to SASMA Members Dr Karthik Badrinath and Dr Luke Mooney for presenting at this event.