SASMA in the last 5 months
August 18,
2020 1184 1184
2020 has been a year like no other and has brought many challenges for us at SA Sports Medicine Association (SASMA) as no doubt it has for you and your workplaces.
Through this time of adversity we have seen some amazing new opportunities developed. I must say a massive thank you to my staff – Steph, Mallory and Lauren – as they have continued to go above and beyond to service the sporting community and our Members during this time.
They redeveloped the Level 1 Sports Trainers Course to be delivered online, learnt new skills on Zoom so they could run Mental Health and Sports Safety Workshops for Community Sport, delivered a conference online, held over 20 Facebook Live Q&A sessions with Members that have had over 10,000 viewers, and continued to run education sessions for our Professional and Sports Trainers Members. In fact, we have run more sessions this year between April and July than we would have normally done. We have put together a video to show some of the highlights from the last few months, as much for us to remember all that we have achieved as well as to highlight to our Members what we have been up to. To view the video click here
Thank you Steph, Mallory and Lauren as well as all of the Members who have put their hands up during this time to assist us.
In recent weeks we have been reminded of the need not to be complacent. Each of us plays a role in ensuring that our sporting clubs, gyms, practices and associations we work with continue to remain COVIDSafe. Together we can come through this and continue to see the sports and recreation activities we all love continue to be made available for us to participate in.
The Sports Medicine Community is strong and now is the time to use our collective voice to ensure we keep our sporting and recreation community safe.
Stay safe and remember we are here to assist you in any way we can.