2021 Sports Trainer of the Year Awards Now Open
August 18,
2020 1186 1186
Nominations for the Sports Trainer of the year Awards 2021 are now open! Join us in celebrating the contributions and achievements of people who help make the sporting world better!
Please take the time to nominate a Sports Trainer who deserves to be celebrated! Consider nominating individuals whose accomplishments have yet to be publicly acknowledged. Nomination forms are attached to this email so please make sure you pass them onto your sports trainers, coaches, team managers and club committee members so they can start to have a think of sports trainers they would like to nominate.
Who deserves an award?
The awards recognise the achievements and contributions of individuals, and are set out to honour those Sports trainers who went above and beyond for their club, association and communities in 2020.
o Metropolitan Trainer of the Year
This Award is open to Accredited Sports Trainers living in the Adelaide Metropolitan and Adelaide Hills Region who have shown exceptional service to their club/sport/association/organisation in 2020.
o Regional Trainer of the Year
This Award is open to Accredited Sports Trainers living outside the Adelaide Metropolitan and Adelaide Hills Region who have shown exceptional service to their club/sport/association/organisation in 2020.
o Young Trainer of the Year
This Award is open to Accredited Sports Trainers who are 30 years of age or under and have been accredited for a minimum of 12 months. This category recognises young sports trainers who have shown exceptional service to their club/sport/association/organisation in 2020.
The last 12 months refers to 1st October 2019 - September 30th 2020.
Nominations will be closing November 30th and all nominations will need to be received by then. Click here for a nomination form
If you require any further information or have any questions please email sportstrainers@sasma.com.au