SASMA Events Continue with Online Delivery
March 19,
2020 1802 1802
As previously advised, SA Sports Medicine Association (SASMA) has restructured our Sports Trainers, Community Education and Members Education events to online delivery to manage the potential risks presented by COVID-19.
SASMA will continue to offer the online component of the Level 1 Sports Trainers courses along with theory components of the face to face courses being offered via a live webcast. When face to face courses resume the practical components will be rescheduled throughout the state, enabling participants to complete their accreditation.
Course registrations are open and the dates on each course are the dates of the webcast component of the course.
The Community Concussion Forums and Workshops will be offered online allowing participants to still have access to leading Sports Physicians and Sports Doctors to answer their questions regarding this important topic.
SASMA will continue to deliver our Members Education Series to medical and allied health professionals via live webcasts until advice from the Government allows for face to face educational opportunities.
We are committed to continuing to offer the Sports Medicine and Sports Communities education, training and professional development opportunities via online delivery as we work together during these times.
SASMA will continue to monitor the situation and act accordingly on advice from our medical experts and the Australian Government.
Daniel Clark
Executive Officer