SASMA Member working away World University Games
August 7,
2019 2270 2270
Jamie had such a fantastic opportunity working at the World University Games so we asked him a couple of questions to get an insight of what it was like!
1. What was the event and what was your role at the event/trip?
The World University Games, which is a biannual event for the worlds best athletes who are under 25 and currently enrolled at a University. This year it was held in Naples, Italy, and I was the team Physiotherapist for the Emerging Boomers, which is basically the U/25 Men’s National team.
2. How did you become involved in this opportunity?
I have been working as a Physiotherapist within Basketball for a number of years now, starting at local and state level, then this opportunity came up at the last World University games in 2017, when I was asked by Basketball Australia to fulfill this role as the Men’s team Physiotherapist for the games in Taiwan.
3. What kind of work you did whilst you were working at the event / away with this team, e.g. what was a typical day for you?
As the team only travels with a Physiotherapist and no other medical or performance staff, my role was not just team Physiotherapist, but to make sure the team stays fit and healthy in the lead up to the games, and then while we are away. Other than performing general Physiotherapy duties, I collected load management and wellness data for the group (not just while away but for 6 weeks leading into the games), run strength and conditioning sessions, daily recovery sessions (such as pool recovery, ice baths, mobility/stretching sessions, massage and manual therapy sessions), as well as help with dietary requirements for the group. Thankfully the Australian University Games team as a whole, travel with a few doctors that we have access to when needed.
4. What was a highlight for you?
Our team won a Bronze medal, which was a great achievement. Our players are mainly based in the USA playing college basketball, as well as a few NBL players, so our team first got together only a week before the start of the games. Most of the other teams performed training camps in the lead up, but our team had limited face to face time to prepare, therefore a bronze medal was a great achievement.
5. Who else did you get to work with?
The Emerging Opals had their own Physiotherapist, but apart from that our team had 3 coaches and a team manager as the other travelling staff. Our head coach was Rob Beveridge, a long time well respected NBL and National coach in Australia, and our assistant coaches were Jamie O’Loughlin and Adam Forde, who are both assistant coaches in the NBL. Our team manager was Adelaide based Joe Tertzakian, former Adelaide 36ers General Manager and currently Basketball SA Manager of Stadium Services.
6. What is one benefit or one thing you learnt from working at this event?
Forming relationships with other staff and players was the greatest benefit. We had a great group that gelled really quickly, which I feel was one of the reason why we achieved a bronze medal, having such a short time before the tournament to get to know each other. As we had a busy and high pressured schedule, because we had such a close knit group, we were able to perform efficiently as a team, as well as make some life long friendships. Another thing a physiotherapist will learn at an event like this is to be organised and time efficient. There was not a lot of down time, so making sure you were organised is very important.
SASMA Members work with teams at all levels. It is great to see our members working at events like this and gaining beneficial experiences. If you or anyone you know has had a similar opportunity please get in touch with us so we can share your experience with the community!