Hello 2019
January 8,
2019 1620 1620
Happy New Year and welcome to 2019! On behalf of the SASMA council and staff we hope you had a fun and safe holiday break! All staff have now returned to the office and are ready to start another big and exciting year for SASMA.
SASMA have been working hard to get the 2019 courses underway. The calendar is filling up fast and we already have many great events, courses and workshops scheduled.
SASMA will be kicking off the year with a level 1 Sports Trainer Course held on Sunday February 3! Places fill up fast so be sure to get in quick to avoid missing out! If you need your trainers accredited for the upcoming seasons checkout out the dates of our courses at: http://www.sasma.com.au/UpcomingEvents.aspx
Don’t forget, SASMA can come to you and we are able to tailor courses to suit the needs of your club/association/school and council. If you are interested in running a workshop for your team please contact the Office on 8234 6369 or email admin@sasma.com.au.
This year SASMA will also be holding the annual FAST Conference and Sports Trainers of the Year Awards on SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23 at the ADELAIDE OVAL.
Nominations for the Sports Trainer of the Year Awards are still open but only until MONDAY JANUARY 28 late entries will not be considered. For a nomination form and to book tickets please go to: http://www.sasma.com.au/SportsTrainers/2019FASTConferenceAwardsNight.aspx
To view the full program and to book tickets, please go to: http://www.sasma.com.au/SportsTrainers/2019FASTConferenceAwardsNight.aspx
We are always looking for feedback for our courses/ events to make improvements so any thoughts and comments regarding this are always welcome.
Don’t forget to check out our Facebook Page to keep up to date with all the latest news and events happening. https://www.facebook.com/SA-Sports-Medicine-Association-93323967536/
We look forward to enjoying 2019 with you!