Gold Coast 2018 XXI Commonwealth Games
December 20,
2017 2552 2552
In April 2018, the Gold Coast will be hosting the 21st Commonwealth Games which will mark the first time that it has been held in a regional Australian City. This will be the fifth time Australia has staged the Commonwealth games- making Australia the nation that has hosted the most number of Games.
There are thousands of people who will share the dream and carry the Queen’s Baton with pride. It is because of their achievements and contributions to their community that the chosen people are represented as the batonbearers for the Commonwealth games. This year’s list of batonbearer’s contains some of SASMAS Sports Trainers.
A big CONGRATULATIONS to the following SASMA Sports Trainers who are Baton Bearers for the 2018 Commonwealth Games:
- Alan Coulter
- Graham Ey
- Ian Harrison
- John Treloar
Click the link below to see the dates of when the baton will be travelling through your area.
It would be great if we could get out and support them through this amazing opportunity!
If you know of any SASMA Sports Trainers or Members who are volunteering 2018 Commonwealth Games please email so we can show our support!