Importance of Re-Accreditation
September 19,
2017 2365 2365
SASMA believes in the importance of re-accreditation to ensure a high standard of immediate care is provided by all Sports Trainers.
All Accredited Sports Trainers are required to attend education sessions throughout the three years to ensure best practice and to keep up to date with the latest changes in first aid and sports medicine.
As Sports Medicine is an ever-changing science and the ways in which we manage injuries is constantly changing, the FAST Conference can provide you with a full day of education that may provide you with the points you need towards your re-accreditation. CLICK HERE to register for the FAST Conference.
Along with the FAST Conference, SASMA can coordinate education sessions in your region. In 2017 we have run workshops outside of the metro region including:
· Concussion Management and Advanced Taping in Roxby Downs.
· Advanced Taping Workshops on the Eyre Peninsula and Ceduna.
· A Spinal Management course for the Southern Football Trainers Association.
These are just a few examples of the courses we can run in your area to find out more please email